HACCP Food Safety/Quality Management Systems

About HACCP/ ISO Standards/Food Safety/Quality Management Systems

HACCP, ISO Standards are necessary condition for improving the overall quality of food safety & hygiene in the country and also to increase India’s share in global food trade. The main objective of the scheme is to motivate the food processing industry for adoption of food safety and quality assurance mechanisms such as TQM including ISO 9000, ISO 22000, HACCP, GMP, GHP. This will enable adherence food processors to the stringent quality and hygiene norms thereby protecting the health of consumers, enhance product acceptance by buyers, both domestic & overseas and keep Indian industry technologically abreast of international best practices.

HACCP and ISO 22000

If you are a company operating in the food industry, you are required by law to comply with established hygiene regulations in accordance with HACCP guidelines. As a food company, you must systematically look for critical points that affect the safety of food and beverage products that are handled by the company. All possible risks and associated risk management measures must be described in an HACCP plan.

ISO 22000 has been the standard for food safety since 2005 and is based on HACCP guidelines in accordance with Codex Alimentarius and the management principles of ISO 9001. It is a globally accepted standard which forms the basis for an internationally valid ISO food safety certificate and which is aimed at the entire agri-food chain. ISO 22000 applies to primary production companies, to retailers and to supply companies operating in the packaging and detergent industry, amongst others.

The Difference Between HACCP and ISO 22000

Whereas HACCP is focuses purely on food safety, ISO goes further. ISO also looks at business processes and structures. ISO certification is independent, which means that an organisation can decide for itself whether it wants to embrace it or not. It is expected that many companies will convert their HACCP certificate into a certificate based on ISO 22000 in the near future. After all, ISO is more quickly accepted at home and abroad and can be combined with other ISO standards to achieve optimum efficiency.

Ready To Grow Your Business With ISO